Family houses Za Větrníkem Dobris

Cube in a cube

How to ensure privacy for the residents of a new neighbourhood that has grown on a greenfield site? How to cope with the proximity of neighbours and the very dense development of detached houses, semi-detached and triplex houses? We found the answer to these questions, among others, in a steel structure with a wooden infill that surrounds the whole house and fulfils several functions. It is rotated in relation to the main housing block, so it creates hidden corners for storing garden tools and also contributes to shading the interior spaces. Primarily, however, it functions as a secondary shell, a "screen" behind which the inhabitants have privacy hidden from direct external view. In addition, the structure can be overgrown with climbing plants depending on where the need for privacy is greatest, thus making the whole complex more playful.

development, realization, family houses, competitions

Dear design enthusiasts!


We are launching the pre-sale of magnetic shelves be_myshelf.


Choose your colour and size.

And get a 20% discount and free shipping as part of the Rohan Design District event.


to apply the discount, please use

Promo code: RDD


We stock and deliver the shelves in mid-September.